
Brochure – Edit master

Video Brochure of Carmen Beuchat´s choregraphic work that includes a variety of pieces executed until this date. In order of appearance: “Getting off the Ground” (interpreted by Carmen Beuchat), “Clear Water” (interpreted by Junko Kikuchi), “Spirit,Water & Blood” (interpreted by Hiroko Kawasami, Minato Kawai and Junko Kibuchi), “Moon is a Witness” (interpreted by Carmen Beuchat, Marcela Broughton and Cathy Zimmerman), “The Man Who Turned into a Dog” (Written by Osvaldo Dragun, directed by Gregorio Rosenblum, dound by Michael Moneagle and Marcelo Montealegre, lighting by Michael Stiller, costumes byMarco Correa, interpreted by Mary Shultz, John Peña, Carmen Beuchat and Gregorio Rosenblum), “Uno, Dos” (interpreted by Carmen Beuchat and Cathy Zimmerman), “Carmina Burana “(several interpreters).