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Process Notes and Drawings for “Alma Mater”

Notes and drawings of ideas or choreographic structures made by Carmen Beuchat during the creative process of the piece “Alma Mater” presented on the 4th and 5th of February, 1983 at the Washington Project for the Arts Theater in Washingto DC. It contains drawings of possible movements and scenographic design. In addition, it has poetic texts interspersed with reminder notes.

Document Information

Name: Process Notes and Drawings for “Alma Mater”

Author/Creator: Carmen Beuchat

Place: Washington DC, United States

Date: 4-5/2/1983

Category: Manuscripts - ACBM_6001

Location: Carmen Beuchat´s Archive (Manuscripts´ Folder)

Physical Description: Notebook paper 10 x 15,1 cm. written with black and blue ink.